During the Closing Session on 20 August, IFLA President Sinikka Sipilä and IFLA Professional Committee Vice-Chair Clara Chu conferred the following honours and awards:

Ujala Satgoor and Segametsi Molawa, Co-Chairs of the IFLA Cape Town National CommitteeIFLA Scroll of Appreciation

In grateful recognition to the:

National Committee

IFLA World Library and Information Congress 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly

Ujala Satgoor and Segametsi Molawa, Co-Chairs of the IFLA Cape Town National Committee accepted the award

Susan SchnuerSusan Schnuer

For her distinguished service to the international library community especially for inspiring and developing the next generation of library leaders.

Ingrid ParentIFLA Honorary Fellow

Ingrid Parent

In recognition of her distinguished service to IFLA

Public Libraries SectionIFLA Professional Unit Communication Award

Awarded this year to:

Public Libraries Section

Best IFLA Poster 2015:Digital Memory Toolkit – a free resource to assist community projectsBest IFLA Poster 2015

Awarded this year to:

Brigitte Doellgast and Niall McNulty (South Africa)

for Poster #61

Digital Memory Toolkit – a free resource to assist community projects