Regional Division Committee Member (Middle East and North Africa) (twenty places – one place maximum per country)

To serve August 2021-August 2023


IFLA’s new Regional Division Committees play a vital role in ensuring that IFLA’s work responds to the needs of the library field. They provide a space for learning and defining regional action plans, and have a strong focus on defining advocacy priorities and building capacity across the region. In particular, they allow for a stronger voice for regions within IFLA, and a stronger presence of IFLA on the ground.

Who can stand for this position?

Anyone can stand who is based in the Middle East and North Africa region (see the list of countries/territories). Candidates do not have to be an IFLA Member or Affiliate and if elected, are elected in their own right and not as the representative of their employer or nominator. They work on behalf of the regional as a whole.

What is the term of office?

The term of office is two (2) years from 2021 – 2023. This terms is renewable once, although individuals would need to stand again for re-election.

What are the roles and responsibilities for this position?

Members of Regional Division Committees work together to develop and deliver action plans responding to the needs of the library field in their region and review progress on delivering the IFLA Strategy.

They build capacity to advocate at all levels, and identify and work on advocacy priorities, cooperating with Sections and Advisory Committees, as well as other organisations. 

Members of Regional Division Committees also contribute actively to efforts to engage Members in the region, building awareness of IFLA’s work, and reach out to non-Members.

What skills and attributes do I need for this position?

Candidates for this position should be able to demonstrate:

  • an interest and experience in library policies and advocacy; 
  • expertise, experience and interest in/across libraries in the region; 
  • ability to represent the interests of a diverse range of colleagues;  
  • experience in communication, representation and networking; 
  • willingness and ability to devote time and energy to the role – this is usually several hours per month; 
  • time allowance to prepare and attend meetings of the Regional Division Council; 
  • an ability to act with respect, trust, confidentiality and transparency and recognize the need to protect personal and privileged information. They must declare any conflicts of interest and abstain from discussions where they have a conflict or potential conflict of interest.

How many nominations do I need?

Each candidate requires three (3) nominations for this position.

Who can be a nominator?

IFLA Members and Affiliates registered in the Middle East and North Africa region can nominate individuals for this position. They have received an Election email containing information describing how they can submit a nomination.

How many candidates can each Member of Affiliate nominate for this position?

In the Middle East and North Africa region, each IFLA Member or Affiliate may nominate up to 20 candidates for this position. However, you may only nominate one person from any one country (as defined by the country codes used by IFLA). You may nominate candidates from countries outside of your own.

How do I find a nominator?

Check the list of IFLA Members and Association Affiliates found on the Membership page. Contact IFLA members in your country or region and ask if they are willing to nominate you.

How do I submit my nominee consent form?

Those wishing to stand as a candidate will need to submit a nominee consent form for this position. This should be done once nominators have been found. In this form you will be asked to provide a 200 word statement describing how you demonstrate the skills and attributes required.

A nomination only becomes valid when there is a match between the number of required nominations and a completed nominee consent form.