From Gutenberg to Google, libraries have constantly evolved to advance and respond to society’s needs. Yet, their fundamental purpose has remained the same: to provide access to trustworthy, authoritative knowledge. As such, libraries serve as sanctuaries for learning, as windows to the world, as agents for change, and as the intellectual lifeblood of the university.

The current pandemic is creating an opportunity for libraries to both evolve for today and plan for plausible futures to accommodate the needs, expectations and learning styles of their users. How can/do we, academic librarians and our libraries, position ourselves to lead change on our campuses and the broader communities we serve?

The session will be one hour long with each presenter speaking for 10-15 minutes. There will be a Q&A session following the three presentations.


  • Gulcin Cribb, Chair, IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Section
  • Mary Lee Kennedy, Executive Director, Association of Research Libraries, North America
  • Wei (Kate) Yang, Deputy Curator of China University of Petroleum, Beijing (CUPB), Director of CUPB Intellectual Property Information Service Center

Facilitator: Lorraine J Haricombe (University of Texas, Austin)

Join the webinar on 8 September 2020, 15h00 CEST / 09h00 EDT
Check your timezone and save the date!

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