Use Case – The United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom the British National Bibliography (BNB) is a view of data in the production database of the British Library’s Integrated Library Management System. The records that form the BNB come from a variety of sources, including Library of Congress; the Legal Deposit Libraries’ Shared Cataloguing Programme and BDS, the British Library’s CIP (Cataloguing-In-Publication) contractor. Since the implementation of the ILS in 2004, a process of continuous improvement has been applied to workflows to improve efficiency and to maximise the reuse of data.

The ILS web interface provides discrete views of the database to enable users to search the British Library Integrated Catalogue or the British National Bibliography. The view of the BNB includes some material published or distributed in the UK which is not in the library catalogue, either because it has not yet been received or because it is in scope for one of the other legal deposit libraries but not the British Library. New, changed or deleted records are exported from the ILS every week. The exported records are imported into a set of databases and utilities developed in house. These are known collectively as Catalogue Bridge and provide a flexible set of tools for organising the data and routing it to specific products, such as BNB, for export to customers.