Title The Icelandic National Bibliography
Web site address http://www.utgafuskra.is/?lang=1
Start date 1944
Period covered 1944 to date
Current size 80.000 records (estimate) – Icelandic material in the online catalogue of Gegnir, Consortium of Icelandic Libraries (Landskerfi bókasafna). This number includes the 20.112 records in the online bibliography from 1999-
Media covered The electronic bibliography (1999-) covers:

  • Printed material (some may be in digital form); e.g. books and booklets (5 pages or more), maps, new journals and newspapers
  • Sound recordings; e.g. musical sound recordings, audio books
  • Multiple format publications; e.g. book + audio cassette

The printed bibliographies (1944-2001) cover in addition:

  • notated music
  • videos
  • computer files
General selection criteria Works published in Iceland, acquired through legal deposit
Selection criteria for digital resources Icelandic digital material catalogued in the union catalogue, Gegnir (www.gegnir.is), is covered in some instances, e.g. scholarly electronic journals, reports and series published by governmental bodies and institutions. Links to co-existing digital material are often provided in catalogue records
Exclusions policies applied – Annual reports and financial statements of companies and institutions – Material intended for limited distribution (within a company or an institution)
– Ephemeral material of different kinds, e.g. off-prints, publicity material, timetables, advertisements, catalogues, diaries, etc.
– Parts of a larger work (e.g. articles in journals, chapters in books) are not included in the Bibliography although found in Gegnir
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control The National and University Library of Iceland
Web site address of national bibliographic agency http://www.bok.hi.is/
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography The National and University Library is a legal deposit library and an ISSN/ISBN agency
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies 1944-1974, Yearbook of the National Library (section on new acquisitions)
1974-2001, The Icelandic National Bibliography (printed edition)         
- 1999 to date, The Icelandic National Bibliography (online edition) http://www.utgafuskra.is/?lang=1
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography The national bibliography is retrieved from Gegnir, the union catalogue for Icelandic libraries maintained by the Consortium of Icelandic Libraries. The National and University Library is responsible for material covered in the national bibliography
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements The National and University Library is a legal deposit library. Publishers and producers are obliged to send four copies of new publications to the library. Online material is collected through web harvesting of .is websites and other known Icelandic-related websites (twice a year minimum) available at the web archive site at http://vefsafn.is/index.php?page=english
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme The National and University Library co-operates with the largest publishers. Minimum level CIP records, containing information from publishers, are made in October for material to be published before Christmas and completed when the material is published
Media & format options – The National bibliography is available online for material published from 1999 to date http://www.utgafuskra.is/index.jsp?lang=1
Printed editions cover publications from 1944 to 2001
Access options to national bibliographic metadata Web catalogue www.gegnir.is, Z39.50 available upon request, OAI-PMH planned in 2011
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Currently metadata enhancements are limited. An integrated search system for Iceland in planned in 2011. Icelandic book jackets and other metadata will be available in the new search system
Web 2.0 services offered Currently none but will be available in the new search system
Frequency of service updates The online edition of the Icelandic National Bibliography is updated twice a year The union catalogue, Gegnir is updated constantly in real time
Target audiences for services All Icelanders, ranging from children to scientists, and other interested audience 
All libraries in Iceland 
Uses made of  services offered Union catalogue functionalities including material selection, copy cataloguing, ILL, ILS-functionalities
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services The online National Bibliography is free of charge
Availability of metadata for re-use No restrictions apply to national bibliographic data. Access policies to other metadata are under construction
Metadata formats MARC21
Cataloguing code AACR2
Levels of description offered ISBD
Subject standards The Icelandic Subject Headings Authority File is maintained in the union catalogue Gegnir
Name authority standards The Icelandic Name Authority File is maintained in the union catalogue Gegnir
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes