Digital resources include a variety of formats e.g.:

  • Web sites (including blogs/weblogs, integrating resources, and other fast emerging resources)
  • Online databases
  • E-journals
  • E-books
  • CD & DVD-ROMs

These may be: free, fee-based or available for purchase

Access to Digital Resources

Digital resources can be linked to, licensed, or acquired and may be:

  • Maintained onsite in a secure and permanent digital repository that is managed by the national bibliographic agency.
  • Stored remotely under the management of an external agency or organization even if owned by the NBA
  • Accessed directly or remotely:
  • Remote access resources are those to be used via computer networks
  • Direct access resources are to be used via hand held carriers or via insertion into a computer or smart device.

These varying methods of collecting add to the complexity of what is represented in the national bibliography.