​IFLA is pleased to announce an expanded range of conference participation grants for our IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2019, 85th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, in Athens, Greece.

With generous support from a variety of sources, grants and awards are available every year to help delegates attend IFLA WLIC, providing financial support to cover congress registration and/or other costs (travel, accommodation, daily expenses). 

This year, we are pleased to introduce a special grant in honour of Margreet Wijnstroom, the first female Secretary General of IFLA whose real passion was to expand IFLA’s global engagement and redefine librarianship in the developing world.

In addition, we are grateful to the International Librarians Network (ILN) for giving opportunities to librarians in need of support to attend the Congress in Athens. 

While some grants focus on certain regions or career stages, others are open to all. Be sure to read through the descriptions, check the eligibility criteria for each of the grants and apply for the most suitable one for better success!

Check out the latest calls for applications: 

See the full list of grants on the IFLA WLIC 2019 website.