First, we will be holding a SIG Case Studies Session with a slate for speakers from Asia, Australia, North America, and Europe who will discuss projects on the theme, “Better together: Creating solutions to the challenges of data use, reuse, and sharing”. We hope that you will join us to learn more about the implications of data challenges for our individual users, our organizations, and our own roles as library professionals. This session will provide an overview of multiple case studies showcasing synergies in data use, reuse, sharing, documentation, description, access, and archiving among and between various communities.

  • Introduction (Cory Lampert)
  • You May Like – How NLB uses Machine Learning to recommand books (Wen Sze Tan)
  • How to Help Clean Your Local Library: A Case Study in Library Data Scholarly (Sara Wingate Gray)
  • Diversifying Collaboration: Network Complexity and Big Data (Ingrid Mason)


The second session is a Presentation Session in partnership with the Science & Technology Section and Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section on the topic of, “Library Carpentries: A 360 Degree Review of Supporting Data Science Skills”. This session will introduce what Carpentries are and how libraries have established programs to teach coding and offer data science skills to researchers and users globally. The goal of Carpentries is to empower users to use software and data in their work and to build capacity for librarians to feel empowered in data-centric roles and partnerships. Four speakers will address themes related to offering and supporting Library Carpentries and will share case studies and relevant experiences.

  • Introduction to Library Carpentries (Sandy Avila)
  • An Online Library Carpentries Workshop in Africa (Benson Muite)
  • A participant’s Perspective on Library Carpentries (Cheryl Loo)


We look forward to seeing you this year online 17-19 August 2021.